We are excited to announce our latest release of NEO•ONE. For this release we have targeted RC3, the latest stable release of the N3 protocol currently under development.
This release brings the entire NEO•ONE suite up-to-date with Neo N3 Release Candidate 3. This means that our node, client, and compiler packages are all compatible with RC3. Users can now use NEO•ONE to write, compile, test, and deploy their smart contracts for N3.
To get started with NEO•ONE see here. Make sure to install our @prerelease
tagged NPM packages for the latest N3 versions. For example, yarn add @neo-one/cli@prerelease
We are working hard to get NEO•ONE ready for the N3 MainNet release. We are fixing bugs, adding test coverage, upgrading more APIs, and making NEO•ONE more user friendly.