The NEO•ONE CLI is your entry point for all of NEO•ONE’s functionality.

Run yarn neo-one --help to see the CLI commands available and their descriptions. Run yarn neo-one <command> --help to see what arguments are available for that command. Run yarn neo-one --version to get the version of NEO•ONE that you are running.

The NEO•ONE CLI will look for a configuration file named .neo-one.config.ts or .neo-one.config.js. If you need to provide a path to your configuration file for whatever reason you can provide an optional --configPath <path/to/config> argument to any of these CLI commands, which will tell NEO•ONE where to find your config file for that command. The path must be exact and must end with the exact file name. This option should not be needed.

neo-one init

Initializes a new project in the current directory. This will create a default .neo-one.config.ts configuration file, a sample Hello World smart contract in neo-one/contracts/HelloWorld.ts, and a unit test in src/__tests__/HelloWorld.ts.

Argument Type Default Description
--react boolean false Setting this to true will generate an example. React component that uses the HelloWorld smart contract
--typescript boolean false Setting this to true will initialize a TypeScript NEO•ONE project including generating a default tsconfig.json file

neo-one build

Builds the project and deploys it to the local development network based on the configuration found in the NEO•ONE config file.

Argument Type Default Description
--reset boolean false Setting this to true will reset the local project

neo-one generate

Compiles the smart contracts and generates the code helpers. This is a portion of what the neo-one build command does without starting a private network and deploying the contracts.

neo-one new

Create new resources. neo-one new private-key is the only available option for now, which will generate a new private key.

neo-one start

Start NEO•ONE services. This command takes one argument after the command (neo-one start <arg>) which can be either network or neotracker. neo-one start network will start the local development network. neo-one start neotracker will start the local NEO Tracker instance.

neo-one stop

Stop NEO•ONE services. This command takes one argument after the command (neo-one stop <arg>) which can be either network or neotracker. neo-one stop network will stop the local development network. neo-one stop neotracker will stop the local NEO Tracker instance.

neo-one deploy

Deploys the project using the migration file.

Argument Type Default Description
--network string "test" Network to run the migration on

neo-one info

Prints the project configuration.

neo-one compile

Compiles a project’s smart contracts and outputs the code to a local directory. You can set the arguments for this command either in the NEO•ONE config file (ie. .neo-one.config.ts) or as a CLI argument. A CLI argument will override what is found in the config file. If an argument is not defined as a CLI argument and is not defined in the config file then the below defaults will be used.

Argument Type Default Description
--outDir string neo-one/compiled Directory to output the compiled code
--path string neo-one/contracts Path to the smart contract directory
--json boolean true Output the contract with the JSON format
--avm boolean false Output the contract with the AVM format
--debug boolean false Output additional debug information
--opcodes boolean false Output the AVM in a human-readable format for debugging (requires --debug)

neo-one convert

Converts values from one type to another.

This command takes two arguments after the command (neo-one convert <input/type> <input>) which can be either address, private-key, public-key, script-hash, or wif and then the input value. This will convert the input value from the designated input type to various output formats and prints them to stdout. For example neo-one convert private-key <your/private/key> will print the private key, WIF, address, public key, and script hash for that private key.

neo-one console

Starts a REPL with project contracts and NEO•ONE Client APIs.

Argument Type Default Description
--networks array ["local"] Networks to initialize before starting the REPL
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  • CLI
  • Contract Mixins
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