Quick Start


This page is intended to guide you through a quick setup to develop, test, and deploy your smart contract. We assume you have a general knowledge of blockchain, smart contract development, and TypeScript.


  • If you want to learn the concepts from the ground up and learn by doing, check out our Tutorial and reference the concepts listed in Docs when something is not clear.

  • If you want to learn with a real-world example, check out our Course which you can follow and see how things are tested. Also keep the Docs page handy for reference.

NEO•ONE makes coding, testing and deploying Neo dapps easy, fast, efficient and enjoyable.


  1. Install NodeJS >= 10.16.0 (We recommend using v10.16.0)

  2. Install C# .NET version 5.0.302

  3. Add a global.json file to the root of your project repo with this JSON:

  "sdk": {
    "version": "5.0.302"

This tells your local C# .NET runtime to use version 5.0.302 in this repo. Make sure you are using versions 5.0.3xx. You can view the installed SDKs by typing dotnet --list-sdks on the console. To confirm you are using a compatible version, type dotnet --version inside the project folder. NEO•ONE will use the latest version unless it sees the global.json. This is required because NEO•ONE node uses the official C# NeoVM under the hood.

  1. Follow the installation instructions for Create React App to make a new project.

    • Be sure to invoke Create React App with --template typescript in order to enable TypeScript support: npx create-react-app token --template typescript
  2. Install NEO•ONE using either yarn or npm

yarn add @neo-one/cli@prerelease @neo-one/client@prerelease @neo-one/smart-contract@prerelease @neo-one/smart-contract-test@prerelease @neo-one/smart-contract-lib@prerelease @neo-one/smart-contract-typescript-plugin@prerelease
npm install @neo-one/cli@prerelease @neo-one/client@prerelease @neo-one/smart-contract@prerelease @neo-one/smart-contract-test@prerelease @neo-one/smart-contract-lib@prerelease @neo-one/smart-contract-typescript-plugin@prerelease
  1. Add environment variables to get the NEO•ONE node working:
  • On Windows:

    • Add these environment variables to your shell environment:
      • EDGE_APP_ROOT=<path/to/project>/node_modules/@neo-one/node-vm/lib/bin/Debug/net5.0
        • If after adding EDGE_APP_ROOT and EDGE_USE_CORECLR to the shell environment you still get errors then add the same EDGE_APP_ROOT variable before the shell command that you are trying to run with NEO•ONE. For example: EDGE_APP_ROOT=<path/to/project>/node_modules/@neo-one/node-vm/lib/bin/Debug/net5.0 npx neo-one start network.
  • On macOS:

    • Add these environment variables to your shell environment:
      • EDGE_APP_ROOT=<path/to/project>/node_modules/@neo-one/node-vm/lib/bin/Debug/net5.0
        • If after adding EDGE_APP_ROOT and EDGE_USE_CORECLR to the shell environment you still get errors then add the same EDGE_APP_ROOT variable before the shell command that you are trying to run with NEO•ONE. For example: EDGE_APP_ROOT=<path/to/project>/node_modules/@neo-one/node-vm/lib/bin/Debug/net5.0 npx neo-one start network.
    • Install pkgconfig on macOS with Homebrew: brew install pkgconfig
      • Then add this environment variable: PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/lib/pkgconfig
      • You then need to re-install your node modules by deleting the node_modules folder and then running npm install again
  1. Run yarn neo-one init or npx neo-one init

    • The command above generates a sample HelloWorld.ts smart contract, a sample test for the contract HelloWorld.test.ts, a config file .neo-one.config.ts, and a neo-one folder with important modules.
  2. Test your setup using npx neo-one start network. The output should be something like {"level":30,"time":1625855073745,"service":"node","service":"blockchain","name":"neo_blockchain_start","msg":"Neo blockchain started.","v":1}. You may need to use sudo depending on your project configuration.

    • If you run into problems, then please reach out to us on Discord


You may or may not run into environment problems when using the CLI, trying to test your smart contract, or other NEO•ONE functions that use the NEO•ONE node. The NEO•ONE node now uses the C# NeoVM instead of our own implementation of the NeoVM in TypeScript, which means that NEO•ONE controls C# code through some complicated mechanisms. If you run into problems with running a node (such as when running neo-one init or neo-one build) then try these steps:

  • Add these environment variables to your shell environment:
    • EDGE_APP_ROOT=<path/to/project>/node_modules/@neo-one/node-vm/lib/bin/Debug/net5.0
      • If after adding EDGE_APP_ROOT and EDGE_USE_CORECLR to the shell environment you still get errors then add the same EDGE_APP_ROOT variable before the shell command that you are trying to run with NEO•ONE. For example: EDGE_APP_ROOT=<path/to/project>/node_modules/@neo-one/node-vm/lib/bin/Debug/net5.0 npx neo-one start network.
  • Install pkgconfig on macOS with Homebrew: brew install pkgconfig
    • Then add this environment variable: PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/lib/pkgconfig
    • You then need to re-install your node modules by deleting the node_modules folder and then running npm install again
  • Try running the NEO•ONE CLI command using sudo, such as: sudo npx neo-one init
  • If problems persist then please reach out to us on Discord

To see a demonstration of environment setup go to our YouTube channel for helpful videos.

A Contract in NEO•ONE

Every NEO•ONE smart contract starts with a TypeScript source file that exports a single class extending SmartContract.

import { SmartContract } from '@neo-one/smart-contract';

// Token is the contract name
export class Token extends SmartContract {
  public readonly mutableSupply: Fixed<8> = 0;

  public get totalSupply(): Fixed<8> {
    return this.mutable;


  • Types for smart contract development can be imported from @neo-one/smart-contract

  • Types for testing can be imported from @neo-one/client

A Test in NEO•ONE

Run the tests using yarn test OR npm test. It’s a convention to put smart contract tests under src/__tests__/, e.g. src/__tests__/Token.test.ts.

 * @jest-environment node
import { withContracts } from '../neo-one/test';

describe('Token', () => {
  test('exists', async () => {
    // "token" is the contract name
    await withContracts(async ({ token }) => {


withContracts() is a generated helper that will expose all your contracts, their methods and properties along with other useful options. See Testing for more details.

Quick Commands


yarn neo-one build

Run yarn neo-one build when you are done making changes to the contract(s). It not only builds the necessary code for the contract(s) but also updates the generated types and helpers. Specifically the command will:

  1. Start up a local private Neo network (if one has not already been started).
  2. Setup wallets for testing with various amounts of NEO and GAS.
  3. Compile the project’s smart contract(s).
  4. Deploy the smart contracts to the private Neo network.
  5. Generate code for use in your decentralized app.


Run your tests with:

yarn test


npm test


For more command line help and options, check out the CLI page.

Client Integration

Integrating the NEO•ONE client APIs in a vanilla JavaScript or TypeScript application is very simple - assuming we have a contract called Token and we’re in the src/index.ts file using the default NEO•ONE toolchain paths:

import { createClient, createTokenSmartContract } from './neo-one';

const client = createClient();
const token = createTokenSmartContract(client);
// "Token" is the name of this example smart contract
// for example:
// if your contract name is Test
// then the function will become createTestSmartContract()

Check out our Client APIs page for more details.


Checklist before deploying to TestNet:

  1. Get a Neo wallet
  2. Get TestNet GAS in your wallet
  3. Create a migration file

You first need a wallet, the wallet’s private key and sufficient GAS to deploy.

Wallet set-up:

  1. Go to https://neotracker.io/
  2. Go to “Wallet” tab.
  3. Click on “New Wallet”.
  4. Enter a password (make sure you save this password), which is used to unlock the wallet later.
  5. Click on "Download Encrypted Key" (this will generate a .txt file that can be used to unlock your wallet via “Keystore File” option).
  6. Save the private key somewhere secure.
  7. Click Continue to view your wallet.
  8. (Optional) Generate a PDF of your wallet by clicking on “Print paper wallet”
  9. (Optional) Scroll down to “Details” when viewing your wallet to access the options of the previous steps (such as to view your private key or download a keystore file).

Migration File:

Create a migration.ts (migration.js if using JS) at the path specified in your NEO•ONE configuration file.


Visual Studio Code might display single child folders in "compact form" and prevent you from creating a new file under neo-one folder. Disable "compact folder" in "settings" if needed.


import { MigrationContracts } from '../src/neo-one';

export default ({ token, ico, escrow }: MigrationContracts, _network: string) => {


Deployment has not been thoroughly tested yet for N3. It should work, but there may be bugs, so be aware and feel free to bring up issues and ask questions in our Discord server. For more details on deployment specifics and migration files, check out the Deployment page.

Get Test coins

You can get test coins automatically from https://neowish.ngd.network/neo3/#/

If you need more than that. You must apply through Neo website. Please follow the instructions here: https://docs.neo.org/docs/en-us/network/testnet.html#applying-for-test-coin-from-neo-website


Deploy to TestNet:

yarn neo-one deploy

Deploy to MainNet (or others):

yarn neo-one deploy --network <network>

Where network is one of the keys provided by your configuration (.neo-one.config.ts) under the networks property. By default neo-one deploy will use the test key.


We HIGHLY recommend deploying to both a local private network and the Neo TestNet before attempting to deploy to the MainNet.

Explore with NEO Tracker

NEO Tracker doesn’t currently support N3, so you will have to use another explorer to see your deployed contracts.

Edit this page
  • Quick Start
  • Getting Started
  • Environment Setup
  • CLI
  • Contract Mixins
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