
NEO•ONE has first-class integration with React applications.

Integrating NEO•ONE with React is a breeze using the generated NEO•ONE client APIs. We also offer a FromStream component that make using Observables in the client APIs within your React components much simpler.

Generated Code

The NEO•ONE toolchain emits two components that aid in integrating a React application with NEO•ONE: ContractsProvider and WithContracts.


The ContractsProvider component should be used at the root of your application as it provides the NEO•ONE client and smart contract APIs to all children in its React tree using the React context API:

import { ContractsProvider } from './neo-one';
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { App } from './App';

const app = (
    <App />
ReactDOM.render(app, document.getElementById('app'));

ContractsProvider by default uses the generated helper methods to create the required props, but you may customize this by passing in your own Client, DeveloperClients and/or LocalClients:

import { ContractsProvider, createClient } from './neo-one';
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { App } from './App';

const client = createClient();
const app = (
  <ContractsProvider client={client}>
    <App />
ReactDOM.render(app, document.getElementById('app'));


Once you’ve included ContractsProvider in your application, you may use the WithContracts component anywhere in your application to access the NEO•ONE client APIs. WithContracts is is a render props component that passes the client and your smart contract APIs to its child function:

<WithContracts>{({ token }) => <div onClick={() => token.withdraw.confirmed()}>Withdraw</div>}</WithContracts>


@neo-one/react contains one export, the FromStream component. FromStream is a render props component that subscribes to the Observable returned from invoking the createStream prop. It then passes the most recently emitted value to its children function:

  {({ client }) => (
    <FromStream props={[client]} createStream={() => client.block$}>
      {(block) => <div>The current block index is: {block.index}</div>}

FromStream accepts one additional prop, props, which is a list of values that are used within the createStream function. Without props, createStream is called on every render of FromStream and the result is subscribed to. With props, a new stream is subscribed to only when the value of one of the elements of props does not match the previous render. In general, you should go ahead and include any values you use in your createStream function within the props prop.

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  • Forward Values
  • User Accounts
  • Extended Client APIs
  • Raw Client APIs
  • React
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  • Vue
  • dAPI Support
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